Found cocaine

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    • #5369

      Hello all I’m new to this and need some advice and help!! Been with my partner 4 years now I have 3 teenagers in the house he is a fab step dad! Before we met his toom coke alot each weekend whne out with friends etc was a regular thing whne we met he said family life is what he wants now and no more coke until now I had no reason to think otherwise then in his work bag I found a small bag of the white stuff when confruted him he said duno what your talking about I didnt know it was in there I said don’t mug me off then after me going on he said it was for a work colleague! Yeah right we argued he said the last time he did it was 6 months ago news to me thought u didn’t do it anymore??!! so I slept on the sofa he goes off to work messages me believe what you want I know the truth up to you if you believe I take it!!! Is he seriously mugging me off is this a one time thing or he at it all the time???

    • #13481

      Its defo not a one off if you ask me. But just keep an eye on if hes no money, or going out alot, sleeping all day because he is up all night.

    • #13491

      He could do a drugs test.

      It sounds suspicious with his changing story. You would notice money issues or a lack of money, nose issues (things like nosebleed or a dripping nose), staying up late or all night, not eating/lack of appetite etc if he was doing it a lot.

    • #13495

      Hi thanks for reply. I havnt noticed any of those things thank goodness and there hasn’t been money missing. Maybe it was for a friend after all??

    • #13537

      One thing I have learnt is they are very good at lying and very good at manipulating. He will make you believe the sky is green and the grass is blue to hide his habit. Let it go and keep your eye on his behaviour etc.

    • #13540

      My ‘husband’ swore on his dads life that he hadn’t taken cocaine for four years when I asked him. He had so many symptoms. I tell ya swearing on his dads life. He thought that by doing this I would wholeheartedly believe him.

      Cocaine turned him into a manipulative liar. My cousin was horrified when I told him, all he could say was ‘he’s lying’

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