Friday again

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    • #7402

      Well hello lovely people, here we are again Friday. Most people look forward to a weekend but not me.hubby been in the pub since at least 4,30.spoke to him numerous times, I will be home in ten minutes ???? im still waiting. But apparently he has no Money work that one out. Well keep your chins up and remember your not the problem

    • #28064

      Yep just come in and oh my god he’s face,can’t keep still.absolute disgrace

    • #28069

      šŸ™ mine was on it last night. But apparently itā€™s ok it was only a little bit.

      Told him now I canā€™t take anymore and if he doesnā€™t change that will be the end.

      Bloody idiots! So frustrating!!

    • #28071

      Yeh just told mine im done.he actually looked and sounded surprised when I said how unhappy he’s making me feel. Then had the cheek to say he doesn’t understand cause I don’t want for anything. I just laughed and said really. I’m behind on my bills cause its going up your nose.i have no one to talk to. He said talk to me( that’s hilarious ????) no ive not signed up for this crap I’m done xx

    • #28073

      Mine moved out to spare me his addiction but Iā€™m still constantly worried itā€™s over taking my life , heā€™s bad again apparently with flu ????ā€???? swear he gets it every few months im sure itā€™s a comedown honestly never ever thought coke would make my world crash down x

      Heads up ladies x

    • #28074

      God I wished mine would move out, I’d be so happy x

      • #28094

        I donā€™t know if it actually helps my anxiety Is through the roof daily , Will he overdose etc donā€™t even know where heā€™s staying x

    • #28082

      How often are your partners using?

      Of course we canā€™t talk to them , I have told nobody else about my partner as yet but Iā€™m hoping his sister will knock some sense into him.

      They are stupid! Sad thing is they think theyā€™re invincible but eventually it will catch up with them.

      My ex brother in law died almost a year ago from cocaine and drink aged 49. Leaving young children with no father. They are the ones suffering a year later.

      • #28093

        I donā€™t know with mine but I imagine a hell of a lot a week itā€™s so addictive they are constantly chasing that first high itā€™s a vicious circle x

      • #28199

        How can anyone tell? Iā€™ve not a clue when heā€™s using except when the bills pile up ????ā€ā™€ļø????anyone have any tips how to tell?

        • #28200

          Big pupils , angry outbursts , depression , constantly complaining there poorly , mines got flu ???? every few weeks ????ā€????

    • #28084

      Hi worried sister.i have no idea because some days he’s normal and you can have a conversation with him other days he’s a vile monster. So Last weekend he was lovely for two days and I said how lovely when you stay off the drugs, Sunday off his face. I checked his phone he had some on Friday and sat when he was normal. So who knows. Told him last night he’s a disgrace and it’s embarrassing. I’m not helping someone like that anymore he doesn’t want help.i said you will die soon like whitney houston did, hes reply oh well. Selfish man he has kids. X

    • #28091

      Hi I’m going through hell with my son who is an alcoholic. He went away for 6 weeks into a kind of Rhiab and was doing so well I let him come back home. Within days he’s been drinking again. It hurts as a mother as I’m giving up on him. He also has a brother who lives with us. He’s had enough too. Do you think I should tell my son to move out. I have no one at all to turn to no family that actually give a damn and I’ve no friends. I’m a single mum and I’m not well myself. My son is so selfish. He has 2 daughters that are getting sick of it to. What do I do

      • #28092

        Hi itā€™s a hard position to be in you have to do whatā€™s Best for yourself and other son , addiction turns people into selfish monsters

        • #28097

          I’m not eating I’m not sleeping. If I kick him out everyone says he will only go worse that leaves me feeling guilty but I really have had enough

        • #28126

          Hi mammy Essex your right addiction does turn ppl into monsters. They lie threw there teeth. My son is like a different person when he’s had drink but what hurts me more when he’s sober he’s the loveliest most caring lad I could ask for. I’m not in the best of health and he can’t do enough to help me. We get on track all are happy he’s doing well then boom I get knocked down right to the bottom. It’s make or break now. He either sorts himself or he’s on his own which I don’t want it will break my heart

    • #28095

      I’m sick to the back teeth of it all. I’m gonna end up in an early grave. Its hurting my younger son as he can see what his brother is doing to me. My stomach is in knots everyday. I can’t eat I’m not sleeping with worrying. My home is a toxic home and it’s all down to my son with his alcohol addiction. I’ve tried everything to help him. I give up

    • #28096

      I would tell him he has to move out , how old is he ?

      • #28099

        He’s 34 years old so an adult but behaves like a child sometimes

    • #28098

      Itā€™s very easy for others to say whoā€™s not in our position the effect itā€™s having on you and your other son isnā€™t fair on yous you also have to be careful of enabling the addict if he can always come home to you heā€™s never going to learn I know how heartbreaking it is though x

      • #28103

        It’s ripping my heart into a thousand pieces. I wish now he would have stayed in the place were he was and do his full 3 months. When he came home they told us they were keeping his bed for a week. He relapsed so I wanted him to go back so he rang them. They then said he couldn’t go back because he had relapsed now I’m stuck with it all again on my own. My parents haven’t been in touch with me since Christmas and they know I’m not well I’ve also a big family who don’t get in touch. I’m literally on my own. I’m gonna end up having a break down I can’t take anymore

    • #28101

      Heā€™s old enough to stand on his own Feet now he needs to learn himself

      • #28107

        He is but I don’t think he will if he moves out I think he will just drink more. He has a lovely home here. I pay all the bills he only pays board that helps with my shopping. If I kick him out I will lose my home as I can’t afford it just my money. He knows this but still chooses to drink. He looks at homeless ppl and feels sorry for them and I always say that will be you one day if you carry on. I know if he put his mind to it he can beat this addiction as he can go without a drink. It frustrates me so much what he’s doing

    • #28102

      Hey suey, it’s horrendous isn’t it? I never signed up for this and my kids definitely didn’t. I just think now he’s the bad apple on the family so what do we do with bad apples? You have tried and so have I? But I have to put my kids ( who hate him) and myself first.he has a cocaine and drink and gambling addiction. Can’t help someone who doesn’t think he has a problem. I actually have panic attacks due to stressing because of him( hows he going to be? Happy? Aggressive? Argumentative? Etc. Ive had many in front of him and he’s just looked at me and gone back to bed. Stay strong, im here 24/7 for you xx

      • #28106

        Gosh you have got it hard. Your right we never signed up for this. My son has 2 parents but his dad doesn’t want to know. That’s the easy way out he’s living his life while I’m being put in an early grave. My youngest son has told me he’s not gonna speak to his brother again as he has had chance after chance. My only option now I think is to ask my son to find a flat and make him realise he will then have no one as that’s my only option

    • #28108

      Hey suey,is it just drink? How often does he drink? He’s violent, abusive( my husband used to be awful on alcohol) domestic violence for many years but now I stand up to him because he’s a narcissus and controlling. He doesn’t like it when I stand up to him because he’s not in control of the situation. But I suffered depression for years but not no more im stronger than ever. Now I just smile and be nice to him.last night drunk and off his tits, stayed in bed all day I was lovely to not stressing anymore and making myself ill because of him.its harder for you because he’s your boy. You need to talk to someone who’s gone through the same addiction as your son xx

    • #28127

      Hi suey,I’ve been thinking about this what you should do, I was actually going to do this,film him when he’s drunk, obviously don’t show him the phone, hid it in the living room or his bedroom. Then when he’s sober show him and say would you put up with that if it was coming from you ( mom and brother ) it might shock him. Just an idea xx

      • #28140

        Hi NataÅ”a. There is no point whatsoever filming him as he doesn’t get absolutely legless. It’s more verbal abuse I get saying it’s my fault he drinks as I’ve had bad relationships in the past and it’s what he’s seen. He promised on Saturday he wouldn’t drink as I gave him a choice drink or a home and a family. Today he’s gone out and bought drink and it’s hurt me so much. I’ve told him he’s gonna have to move out. I can’t cope anymore. I’m getting spots and rashes with stress and I’m walking on egg shells incase his brother sees he’s had a drink. He’s slowly killing me. I don’t eat sleep. I’m not well as it is. I’ve really had all I can take. Sick of faulse promises

    • #28141

      If you filmed him hes still verbally nasty so it might shock him on how he talks to you when he’s had a drink. There are a few people on here who can offer advice on the drinking x

    • #28147

      I think you need to look out for yourself and your son now.

      If heā€™s being horrible when heā€™s drunk and causing you that much upset and stress let him go. Otherwise you will be in an early grave.

      If youā€™re keeping a roof over his head then he is never going to change.

      But thatā€™s all easier said than done as heā€™s still your child::: if only it was that easy to walk away?

      Does he want to change?

    • #28148

      I think you need to look out for yourself and your son now.

      If heā€™s being horrible when heā€™s drunk and causing you that much upset and stress let him go. Otherwise you will be in an early grave.

      If youā€™re keeping a roof over his head then he is never going to change.

      But thatā€™s all easier said than done as heā€™s still your child::: if only it was that easy to walk away?

      Does he want to change?

      • #28153

        Hi. It’s more upsetting as he’s a different lad when he’s sober. Yes he wants to change so much and get his life back on track. I’ve told him now he doesn’t go out the door without me so let’s see if that works. Only time will tell

    • #28166

      Yep alcohol is nasty it changes people. I rarely go out because when I am I can’t relax when I see people getting drunk because they become unpredictable x

    • #28202

      Mine Don’t stop waffling,talking shit,making stories up.mouth constantly going to one side or whole face making stupid moves.stays up half the night. Do I need to carry on lol oh and either placid or want to fight the world x

      • #28203

        Does yours ever complain of flu or a cold ?

        • #28204

          Mine does constantly like every week heā€™s ill again ????

    • #28206

      Some Saturdays stay in bed most the day saying he’s knackered from work. But never used to complain. Says he’s tired.idiot

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