From party girl to recluse no life

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      Hi I had a great life, friends popular one point even classed as 1 of the best looking girls in town, after a 15 year relationship broke up, I then got with the most popular lad ( I then THOUGHT) he had the looks he had reputation also the naughtiness too, we became like 2 peas in a pod god off on each others don’t care attitude, through my teens I grew up going to raves so yes esctacy was something I took at weekends, years of being drug free, drinking vodka and sniffing cocaine became normal trendy INFACT, then gradually old friends of my then partner started to come around,and somehow heroin was in front of us, thinking that we was invincible and of course that dangerous forbidden fruit we tried it- ” it would never get a hold of us!!

      2 years of smoking it,then that next step!! Injecting!! To be honest I wasn’t so mad for it as he but I wanted us to be happy so selling things INFACT everything of value, eventually we were introduced to both heroin and cocaine ( snowballs) we liked it,he loved that feeling everything changed he became greedy started manipulation over everything, so best dressed couple in town was now unrecognisable, couple of years on he became poorly, he wouldn’t let me ring ambulance until he had his fix I had to sneak into another room to ring it, when we got into the ambulance I knewit was serious as the sirens was going off!!

      Septis I have never heard of this before,3 weeks in a seduced coma gangerine in his finger ( which he lost) organ failure miraculously he pulled through 3 months in hospital, his family blaming me, we separated, he couldn’t stay away, gradually the addiction started again ( oh I’ve had my share of hospital too twice admitted for operation on groin abcess)

      Time went by and life became so desperate he wasn’t the man I fell for he stole,lied made stories up about me, I had enough of it by then I ditched injecting for smoking crack!!! ( Totally underestimated that drug) ileft him in my shell of a house he had anything and everything in as long as they had drugs I ended up in the refuge eventually he ended up in the YMCA,

      Time went by, and he made contact god knows what it was between us but something inside always brought us together,, he then came knocking a few times asking me to ring”someone for him!! Every time this happened I closed the door on him, he started going out getting his social life back on track looking well, every one convinced he was clean, but I knew that he lived for the feeling that the snowballs gave him and also for many years craved valium feeling, we both knew too much had happened in a Dreamworld we would be together but the drugs destroyed us,

      I see him walk past on a Saturday smile butterflies he walked hesitatedly for a sign from me to come in but I turned away

      Sunday morning 530 my 25 year old daughter rang me and said mum Lee is dead!!!!

      I’ll continue my story if anyone is interested and I haven’t bored you, I’m a little emotional

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