getting scary: AFL (Alcoholic Fatty Liver) diagnosis

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    • #5924

      Hi all,

      Other half has today got a diagnosis for Alcoholic Fatty Liver and enlargement caused by his drinking. Anyone else out there had / supported anyone with this?

    • #17456

      Hi I know someone who had fatty liver by drinking. They were told this could be reversed if they abstained from drinking. I guess it depends if he’s addicted. What his daily/average intake of alcohol

      • #17481

        Hi thanks for the reply. It depends on the day really. He can abstain but, when he starts drinking, it is a lot. Saturday he must have had about 20 bottles and a couple of shots – it was his birthday so there was some excuse making. Today, he’s drinking cider downstairs. I just think that if he doesn’t cut the drink out entirely, his liver is going to get worse…

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