Going it alone

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    • #6295

      My daughter is addicted to morphine and alcohol. She desperately wants to detox from morphine but feels that she cannot enlist the help of her GP because social services have been involved with her children before and she is scared of what might happen if they find out she has this problem. She wants to detox from home but I don’t know how safe this is or whether there is some medication she can take which will ease the withdrawal ?

    • #19777

      Hello is there anybody out there?

    • #19780


      If you would like to contact us at The Icarus Trust we may be able to help you. We are a charity that supports families around addicts as we know how hard this can be. You could speak with one of our trained and experienced people who maybe can help you find the answers to your questions.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      Good luck.

    • #19784

      Hi Middle-aged girl welcome to the forum. I’m sorry I didn’t reply earlier as I thought maybe a person in recovery would give you better advice.

      I’m a mum like you, my son is 27 and has alcohol and cocaine addictions. When he reached out for help, he went to doctor for help first.

      If its any help, I had an elderly relative who got all the detox stuff prescribed by hospital, but completed it at home with a close relative living there and helping and recording the doses etc. It took about 3 weeks I think.

      Every case is different I guess though. At least she has you to help her, it’s difficult and an emotional rollercoaster, but it’s a means to an end.

      Take care of yourself through this, you need to be strong.

      Always here to chat,


    • #19948

      Hi, to quit at home is veryy hard. It is different to each person but in the hospital will be safer for your doughter. I’ve done it at home but it was horrible. The pain is so hard that my heart hurted me. She will need medicines to do this. If you can buy some of them without recepies ok but without medicines it is danger.

      I am 19 years old and i am stopped heroin thousand times but at home is horrible.

    • #20105

      Well a few months a just snapped stopped smoking , sniffing , the morphine , and anti depressants lol all at once , I did pretty well tbh lasted two month then started them all again but didn’t go back to morphine , I was on it for back pain but now I just relish the lovely pain instead , I was ill for about a week coming off morphine , swearing profusely , headaches , nausea , then after a week it stopped , then the anti depressants with drawel started , probably the hardest of the lot .. tell her to Just bin the lot and ride it

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