Goodbye and good luck

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    • #7379

      Well this morning everything came to an end , he told me he hasn’t wanted to be with me for a long while, he doesn’t find me attractive and me having kids is a problem, was very nasty and cold, i do believe him, yes he is a coke addict and that has its own issues but I do believe him when he has said this , utterly heartbroken I thought i was ready for it seems I wasn’t, he text me 10 mins ago Said I’m right it is all about the coke now and needs to sort his life out but he is sorry he didn’t tell me earlier he didn’t want to be with me , some people will think aw well he being honest it’s not his fault he has an addiction but he chose to lead me on and play pretend which is one of the most horrible things you can do to someone, feel broken but I suppose time will heal that , but I’m no longer coming on the forum but i wish evryine good luck xx

    • #27804

      I’m so sorry ????

    • #27810

      I’m sorry. If you do come back and read this, perhaps see if you can seek some counseling to help your process everything you’ve gone through. x

    • #27813

      Hello lovely, first of all please remember none of this is your fault. Yes you are upset about him going and his words but in reality did you really want to be with someone like that long term, you are worth so much more and so are your children.make a list of positives and negatives of being on your own. The positives will be a lot more. Stay safe and strong.

    • #27850


      If you do need to talk we are here at Icarus Trust, a charity that offers support to people dealing with addiction in their family.

      If you think it would help you can get in touch on

      Good luck.

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