Grieving for someone that is still alive

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      So a bit of a back story. I am 35 and my mum has been dependent on alcohol since I was 14. It all stemmed from an abusive relationship which she has been out of now for 10 years. For many years she functioned well held down a job, looked after herself etc. But for the last 4 or 5 years the decline has started. It began with her stopping wearing make up which I didn’t think much of it anyway as I don’t believe people have to wear make up. Then she was wearing the same clothes all the time, stopped cleaning her flat and so on. So the point I am at now is she is 70 years old, underweight as she barely eats, she looks terrible malnourished and dehydrated, she has liver damage, she has muscle wastage meaning walking is becoming a problem. She no longer smells of the perfume that reminds me of her she smells unwashed and of cigarettes. She obviously doesn’t see it. She will be extremely drunk by 11am. I asked her the other day why won’t she stop and she replied because I don’t think I’m hurting anyone!! I have told her how I feel but it’s like water off a ducks back! A daughter always wants that close relationship with their mum and I have never been able to have that. I’m rambling on now the reason I am writing this is it would be nice to speak to people who understand rather empathise with me

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