Hate being lied to.

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    • #4317

      Ive been with my partner 15yrs & have 2 boys. We briefly split for afew months 8 years ago because I was fed up holding the baby so to speak. When we got back together I didn’t realise that in that time hed become a heroin (smoking it) addict. It took me a year to notice even though when I look back everything was obvious, him disappearing, foil going down quick etc. He has a younger sister also a heroin addict that he went to “rescue” from her lifestyle before he became addicted himself. Clearly she keep his addiction secret. He works 50 hours a week & provides for us. He says hes not a bad person he has an addiction. Only family members know hes on methadone. I have never seen him do heroin either. The problems im having with his addiction is the lies & trust. I know everything there is to know about addiction, withdrawls, heroin, methadone & ive even been to concelling sessions for myself at his drug place. I drug test him & go to his meeting. He says he doesnt do it every day just when he feels like it. He says he keeps it from me because he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. I understand that but the thought of being with a heroin addict discusts me. I love him & have stood by him through everything drug related. I know this isnt relevant but I gave up smoking (cigarettes) 13yrs ago & sometimes I feel like its ur choice to stop an addiction so clearly he wants to have his cake & eat it. Sorry about the rambing but I thought id write something down & get some views. Theres loads more about the situation but id be writing for weeks.

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