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    • #4170

      My son is now on remand in prison, looking at a very long time, he is being accused of 4 armed robberies in one day.. my house was raided twice within 3hrs ( armed police) never been so scared in all my life they was very nasty to me.. I thought he was doing so well, when really the urge for drugs was raging in side him.. The things they told me he has done, is not my son, It was a drug crazed lunatic he has become.. the only consilation is no one was hurt physically hurt but mentally they may never get over it.. I am numb, heartbroken and so scared as to what is to come xxx Fiona x

    • #8167

      They told me they could shoot him on sight if he still had a weapon and was resisting arrest.. that was the longest 13hrs of my life 🙁 x

    • #8168

      oh fiona love, my heart breaks for you, when will the nightmare end, I have been thinking of you during the last few weeks hoping and praying for a happy ending for you, its the vile drugs that have hold of your son once again its scary to think what lengths an addict will go to get them, there is nothing anyone can do or say at the moment to put an end to your suffering but please please remember that you are never alone with your thoughts and fears, although I have not posted for a while I regularly visit this site as for some reason it helps to calm me a little, just knowing that there are people who really understand what familys of an addict suffer. I will definitely log in here every day if it helps you just a little to get through this horrid horrid time, take care love and try to keep strong
      I will pray for all us who are suffering and just maybe he will hear and grant us a little peace of mind,
      sending you a gigantic cyber hug, xxxxx
      love and hugs Sue Xxxxxxxx

    • #8169

      Oh Fifi……..there’s nothing I can say, we know that drugs changes our kids into people we don’t recognise.. I cannot imagine what you have had to deal with, police raiding your home cant be nice…..On a more positive note, if he is on remand then you know he is safe, and wont be getting more drugs. He will have been assessed hopefully…I know its no consolation, and I am sending you strength, love and an ear to listen.. My son is back in court tomorrow and I have come to the realisation that he will be going to prison…and im grateful, that the time he spends inside he may just think enough is enough…..that’s all I can hope for at this moment in time……be strong sweetheart…we are all here for you, and as Sue said, just being on here , gives us strength to continue…..lots of love hunni xxxxxx

    • #8172

      Thank you ladies, I must be still in shock !! I saw doom and gloom coming my way but not this, one day we are talking rehab, he was all up for it, then BAM? I am going to see him tomorrow, I don’t want to, but then again I do, I have to see if there is any of my son left, I feel terrified.. On top of all that I spilt with my partner over all this, the day we were raided (thurs) he said he could’nt cope with it all and left that night. He wants to come back now, but I feel to angry with him at the moment, so its a big NO from me right now 🙁 I feel ashamed to death everyone in the neighbourhood knows. I am usually quite strong in that respect and believe in there but for the grace of god go I, but this is far to heavy for me 🙁 thanks for listening love fiona xxx

    • #8175

      hi Fiona love just want to let you know Im here if you need a rant, try to take one step at a time day by day, you cant be held responsible for your sons actions easy to say but please believe me you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, true friends will not judge you, if they do they are not friends, people will always talk unfortunately, but you are better than them, you have done nothing wrong, loving, caring and trying to help your son is not a crime, you have done what all decent mothers do, take care Fiona love, keep strong for you nobody else
      love and hugs
      Sue Xxxxx

    • #8176

      Hey Fiona, you hold your head up high……you have nothing to be ashamed of. The people in your neighbourhood haven’t lived your life. and probably most of them will be unaware of what is really happening… Don’t be too hard on your partner, don’t forget he has been going through this with you too….some people cope better than others…. Its another step to climb hunni……I hope you have a good visit, and im sending you massive hugs..xxxxxxx

    • #8177

      Sue and Susie you’re an absolute god send for me at the moment THANK YOU!!! deep breaths, shake myself down and get out there love Fiona xxx

    • #8179

      Fifi and anyone else who is living with this hell……stay strong…My son hasnt taken drugs for 5 days…his case was adjourned, but im hopeful….he is back with his ex and she has given him one last chance…..he is ill, chest infection, tired which are all symptons but he smiled at me today and I saw a glimmer of the lad I knew….Early days, but I have to have some hope…….Fiona I hope you had a good visit, and knowing he is safe will be a weight off your mind…..sending all you parents much love, hope, and always a cyber ear to listen….xxxx

    • #8194

      I spoke far too soon…..feeling sad, angry and alone 🙁

    • #8202

      Aw god Susie its a living hell this!!!! So sorry to hear this news..selfish selfish lads with self distructed buttons. Will it ever end? I don’t know!! Will we ever learn to cope with it? I hope so take care hun xxx

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