He wont give it up for us

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    • #4671

      Been with partner for 23 years and hes always smoked stuff. Obviously it was ok until we had kids. We have 4 now. It got to the point that anytime he was about to run out or had run out hed become impatient with kids and verbally abusive to me. Hes so addicted. Ine night he walked 6 miles just to get it. It was getting so bad i told him to choose. He left us. He comes and sees kids but says he cant give up. Ive given him countless chances. Ive said if he gives up he cam return. But he wont. How can i make him see hes lost a family and a wife? Why he blames me saying its my fault i wont take the mood swings and the abuse
      Or says its my fault he has to have it. He chooses it over everything. Ive got these beatiful kids and there dads a looser. His family blame me and im the bad fuy because they havent a clue about the drugs. Please gelp me. Someone! Its gone to far now. He keeps saying he wants his family he wants it to stop but he wont act on it. How can he walk away. Im still holding olmut hope and hes been gone for a year. Its ruining my life i want my family and i dont want him to choose that. What do i tell the kids when they are older. Help please

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