Heartbroken ex a Coke head

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    • #6601

      Feeling suicidal, I hope writing this will help cos no 1 understand they just say I’m better of without him.

      With my partner now ex for 4yrs & it’s been he’ll I found out he was an addict but he was in ca when we first met but started using again 6 months later, for the first 2 years I kept getting messages from his ex saying he’s messaging her & it turned out he was he used to walk out & dissappear for a week & I took him back everytime, he spend thousands on dating sites & said he used to do it when of his nut.

      I ended up scared if he left the house cos he wouldn’t come home, he done all his grants on drugs totaling 20 grand, I tried letting him do it he lied about money & I took over his bank account & cut his card up so he had savings but he got a card sent to his mums & spent all that, then he lost his job & work van so me and my mum put the money up to get him a van & he disappeared 2 weeks ago.

      I feel empty inside & his mum messaged me 4 days later saying pick him up & I said no gave him all his stuff back & now I feel gutted

    • #21984

      I know it’s not what you want to hear, I heard the same. But you are better off staying out of his life whilst he’s in this state. You’ve done everything you can to help. He’s disrespected you massively and quite frankly doesn’t care about your feelings at the minute. Coke is such an evil drug and turns people nasty, selfish and unrecognisable. He needs to hit rock bottom then maybe he’ll be ready to quit, until then you’ll be fighting a loosing battle. Taking control only pushes them further away and more towards the drugs. Read my story it may help. Hopefully him loosing you will give him the push he needs to sort himself out! Stay strong xxx

    • #22027

      It’s so hard he keeps turning up bit I can see he’s of his nut, I’m just trying to get my money back at the moment which my mum leant him, I’ve changed my phone number so he can’t ring me I just wish I never met him, it helps reading everyone else’s story cos it sounds like my life thanx for replying I’m going to read your storey now x

    • #22056

      Can’t you go down the legal route? So he doesn’t keep bothering you. Set up some sort of payment plan. If you’ve told him to leave he shouldn’t keep doing what he’s doing, he thinks he can do what he likes by the sounds of it. What’s he like when he turns up? Is he aggressive or just trying to talk? Xx

    • #22118

      He’s aggressive my son has kick him out cos u can’t even talk to him he’s so of his nut, it’s so sad

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