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    • #5252

      Has anyone got any advice to quit smoking cannabis it’s getting in the way

    • #12492

      Aright summer.. i was bad on weed when i was a kid. Mainly from 14 to 18. Litrally everyday. It sent me phycho a lot.

      But i managed quit in the end. And it was hard. But the main thing is you want to quit.

      For me to quit was pretty basic, i wanted to go in the army and i had to pass a drugs test. I had 6 month i think to get clean. And i got a calander and crossed each day off as didnt touch it. I lapsed a few times. But i hated the stuff in the end. It stops you doing so many things.

      But the other thing that will help is.. i changed my life a round. I had to do oots of running to train for the army and gym work. So you also need something to keep you occupied and stay focused.

      The gym is perfect to quit weed. And start eating healthy.

      Dont worry if you lapse its apart of recovery and will make you stronger.

      But also try other things to keep you occupied. Good luck mate

      • #12493

        Thanks Dan x didn’t except a reply and a detailed one. I hope you managed to to the army stuff if it was a part of your plan. I agree with keeping occupied and exercise. I honestly think it will take having a baby to stop or someone forcing me to stop. I hope I can come back with better news soon I’ll try the exercise thing even in my home x

    • #12495

      Hi, it sounds like you need some extra support with this. I can imagine it’s very difficult to stop but it does need to be you and your own motivation and determination to stop, not someone forcing you or you’ll just smoke it secretly or start up again.

      Having a baby may stop someone temporarily but it is definitely not the answer. People still take drugs whilst pregnant due to addiction and parenting is hard enough without trying to do it with an addiction to weed.

      Could you speak to your GP or ring FRANK? Use google to see where you can get help. Good luck

    • #12496

      My only practical advice would be to smoke it slightly less than you are now, reducing your use bit by bit. So if you smoke it every day, try every other day to begin with for example

      • #12502

        Thanks so much and yes I wouldn’t have a child till I’m all sorted not ready really anyway clearly. Thanks for the reply. I think trying to cut it down is actually a really good idea I’m going to give that a try. It is going to reduce my life and make me look old. If you have any other tips I’m grateful for them. You guys for taking the time to reply its a nice feeling and encouraging.

    • #12504

      Try and do it every other day for a week. See how you feel.

      • #12505

        Ok. I’ll be updating you. Thanks x

      • #12672

        Hi just wanted to share that I’m on day two of no smoking. It’s pretty painful. Everytime I start feeling achey and scared I jump in a steam bath and sweat it out it’s a good tip it’s a really really good feeling once I’ve got out. I’ll be back with the news of success of failure. Ive got this now,

    • #12674

      Well done, that’s excellent news. Keep it up!

      Can’t wait to read your positive updates x

      • #12675

        Thank you so v much x

    • #12806

      I did it x advice I can give is to prepare and treat the experience as if you’re having a virus and your sick and you need to be sick for a week. I can’t believe I actually did it. My face looks different like more alive I feel more alive and I have so much energy at work I don’t want to rush back home to ‘chill out’ I am so happy now and I still can’t belive I did it I think I’m on day six now I’ve nearly lost count. Thanks for this website support and encouragement is so helpful when you’re feeling bad and trying to stop. Thanks a lot for letting me share and my kind messages. X

    • #12808

      That’s amazing to hear Summer! You’re obviously a very determined person when you want to do something. That’s good advice for others too ????

      • #12822

        Thanks 🙂 it really comes down to being willing to allow yourself to be ‘sick’ for about a good week. On day one and two I had lots of hot baths it gave me a cold but it was really good for withdrawals which sounds silly over weed but after years of it It can do that. So hot baths and exercise stretching and just wanting it. And now I’m doing my new job in a fancy high paying job. And I have so much energy for work now. Ive never felt so alive in my life and its only been one week. Its good to talk about it keeps me going. Thanks for this site it’s been helpful everything is.

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