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    • #5929

      Hi everyone, I’m addicted to cocaine it’s destroying my life an the life of those around me!! I’m 32 an took cocaine since bout 18/19 but only on nights out an was never very much but for the last 3 years I’ve changed so much take it bout 3/4 times a week which can be anywhere between 5-10 grams a week!! My wife has had enough an I think our marriage is over which I accept as know the damage I’ve done but I want to change for my 6 year old daughter an the baby my wife is due soon but I don’t know how to I’m a mess an feel if cocaine doesn’t kill me then I will!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Cheers

    • #17352

      This is hitting home for me in such similar ways. I’m a house wife with an addict husband with D.O.C,’s effecting me, my daughter, our home our life even our animals! He too has been getting worse over a course of a few years..his story is about identical to yours..didn’t start til 18 etc.

      You are recognizing what is decaying ur relationship and that your getting u understand it..(mine too)..and yes if u don’t stop, that drug will kill you and mine has said the same about him ending his life as well..what is tough for you to trust is..there’s hope there’s help and ur wife will be There once you make that choice to get the help you do need and follow through..the unknown isn’t peaceful at times but how would you know if u don’t do what you are recognizing the healthy choice you should take cuz you do deserve a fair shot at it..plz do it for’s worth it!

    • #17360

      Hi CAC87 and TotiG, really sorry to hear about what you’re currently going through which sounds very difficult for you.

      It’s important that you speak to someone about how you’re feeling – you can call Samaritans on 116 123 (freephone), they are open 24/7.

      Should you want more information on drug use, FRANK on 0300 123 6600 is a national helpline providing advice and information about drugs.

      Do stay well and take care,


    • #17409

      Ty Adfam

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