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    • #6405

      I’ve just starting a new relationship 2 months approximately with my best friends brother.

      I just discovered that he has a coke addiction from witnessing it first hand . I’ve never taken a drug or drink or smoke but I have found myself using cocaine in a number of occasions with him.

      It all came to a head at the beginning of the week when he brought a lot of cocaine in to my home which I asked him repeatedly not to do.

      I found myself drinking as I knew that I would have to face him being aggressive . The more alcohol I took I ended up taking a lot of the cocaine . As a result I ended up taking an overdose of propanol and was rushed to A and E and almost died.

      I am not sure how to get this man out if my life . I don’t have any family support and don’t have many friends. He is charming and manipulative and thinks that he can splash the cash and everything will be ok.

      Can someone please help or advice me . I’ve went from running 80 miles a week and cycling about the same to being depressed and lonely .

    • #20451

      I am very sorry to hear about what you are going through. I would suggest setting boundaries. If you say no to something, try to stick to it. If you cave in he knows all he has to do is keep pushing it on you. I am not sure about your dynamic as far as how dangerous he is or what your living situation is but you should stay true to yourself. Longer it takes for you to put your foot down and stand up for yourself the more the lines will get blurred. I really wish you the best of luck.

    • #20453

      Hi Cem12,

      Welcome to the Forum. Never think that you are on your own, this is a great place to share your story and keep in contact with people.

      I read your story and feel frightened for you, he doesn’t sound a very nice person to be honest. If you have never taken cocaine before, please do not take it anymore, it will destroy your life, you have already nearly died from taking it and propanol.

      Can you not to talk to your best friend about her brother? You said that you have never drank or smoked before you met him and now you are drinking and taking cocaine, I really don’t think that you are happy in this relationship, personally I’d run for the hills and never look back. Get back into your running and cycling, exercise is good for the mind.

      Please keep in touch on here and take care.

      You can always talk to the Icarus Trust as well.


    • #20459

      That’s was my concern with the guy I met, 5 months with him. They are manipulative, seduce us… I was afraid to get more curious about cocaine..and tell him to use in my house or something… I never saw he using… but I was getting curious about how he gets high with cocaine.

      They are not good influence at all… cocaine will destroy you, your nose, brain, health, money …heart. And they have no loyalty, only to cocaine. AND he gave me presents, disease..sexual one. Get out of this soon as you can. You have no kids and once I heard here… run like the wind.

    • #20463

      You need to get out of this relationship the fact that it is still new and has nearly cost you your life it’s extremely scary.

      As someone else has previously said if you’ve never used coke before don’t start now it’s a slippery slope.

      I think the best thing for you is to end this relationship before you get in too deep.

      Stay safe

    • #20857

      Thank you soo much for reply’s. I’m slowly getting him out if my life and I’ve started to run again. I’ve even got a white board up to ensure I keep busy.

      People don’t understand how hard it is to get away from these people . I’ve had to do it at snails pace , I’ve just been lying saying I’m not feeling well etc.

      I’ve taken in extra study and I’m going to keep exercising as much as possible and hopefully I can recover from this horrible situation xx

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