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    • #6891


      I am 25. Thought I was a social drinker until a year ago when I realised I have been drinking everyday and looking forward to drinking after work. Every day. I can see my face getting more and more tired and my addiction not getting better. Any tips?

    • #24421

      From an honest point of view buddy try your hardest to stop now why u can at your age . Im 36 I was been drinking heavy since 17 which turned in to a problem later on in life and ruined good relationships , jobs , dets, etc. I didn’t realise I had a problem till the last minute. I’ve had to hide it from freinds would rather spend my last bit of money on drink every day than eat . I get bad withdrawals if I don’t drink. I wish u all the best and hope it goes well and u achieve where u want to go . Im on day 2 so far and that’s been hard enough and withdrawals have been getting worse. Heard its dangerous to just quit so I’m looking for some advice as well

    • #24422

      Hi all, I’ve been reading your thread. I am the mum of a 28yrs old son who has alcohol and cocaine addictions.

      He is currently in early recovery. Over the last couple of years he’s tried everything but rehab, which is too expensive and needs time off work. He joined the AA fellowship and CA. He’s gained a wealth of knowledge and support from these guys. He said , for

      him, it’s the only thing that works.

      There is always the chance of relapses, but this is common. His best stint was almost 6 months clean. He’s currently 2 months clean. I’m so proud of him, as I know every day is a battle for you guys.

      Stay strong, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.


    • #24423


      if you think you have a problem it is the time now to do something about it, belive me I know I was with an addict for 5 years. An alcoholic and a heroin addict, hes been to rehab twice aa meetings other meetings with the organisation hes involved with.

      Apparently hes off to rehab again. Third time lucky I guess.

      But none can do this for you, if you really want to get sober then you must want to do it for yourself. X

    • #24425

      Oh dear I’m 29 and feeling the exact same way as you. I was a social drinker but it’s become a major issue. My boss is constantly giving out to me, my friends telling me why don’t I ever listen but little do they know that I’m just constantly drunk so don’t actually rember what they have said. at 25 there is plenty of time for u to get through this stay strong xx

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