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    • #7617

      Has anyone kicked their son out of the house after suffering years with their drugs – ketamine and weed and alcohol? Begging them to get help. Arranging counsellors and dr appointments that they refuse to attend. Completely running parents life. If so, did this turn them around?

    • #30346

      Hi constantly worried, welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing your story here. I’m sorry to hear that your son’s addiction is affecting your family life.

      My 29yr son has been addicted to alcohol and cocaine for 14yrs. I understand the pressure and anxiety that goes with addiction.

      Thankfully he reached out for help 2 yrs ago. With the help of AA and CA groups he is currently over a year clean.

      Unfortunately you can’t make an addict go to docs, and AA

      /CA meetings, it HAS to be their own decision to go.

      If you scroll up a bit read the Theresa thread, we are all mums with sons with addictions who are all at different stages in their addiction/recovery.

      The mums are so supportive and understanding, there’s no need to feel alone in the nightmare of addiction.

      In the meantime, please take time to look after yourself.

      Stay strong have faith, miracles do happen.

      Drugfam, Icarus trust and Adfam offer support and advice for families too.

      Take care ❤️


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