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    • #4251

      I met my partner 6 years ago. The first 6 months of our relationship were perfect. Then I found out he was a heroine user. The next 4 years were hell. I’m currently in debt due to his addiction and as my family don’t know I was completely alone in dealing with it. A year ago he went into a detox and rehab program for 3 months after a 20 year addiction and came back a different person. He was clean happy and affectionate. He’s been clean for a year but his behaviour has changed again. He’s sneaking around and and spending huge amounts of money again I’m struggling to pay the bills. I asked him last night and he’s admitted he’s using again. I’m in pieces and dont know what to do. I don’t think I can go through it all again but after a 6 year relationship I’m too emotionally involved. I love him. What would everyone else do? I’m torn

    • #8479


      I haven`t got the exact same circumstances but similar. I have spent the last 24 hours thinking the same thing. What are people in our situations suppose to do ? In my view we cant win , if we stay are we showing that we are condoning the actions of our loved ones or if we leave are we then too concerned with what will happen to our loved ones or leaving a long term relationship because it got hard?? That may sound harsh but those views go through my head. My husband has had some many chances and i don`t think realises what his actions do to me as a person i feel completely broken.
      For me i believe that i will know when enough is enough and only i know that not anyone else. Like you i have done this on my own not by choice but his family where not bothered even when he was fitting on the floor !!! I have learnt you can only rely on yourself and you have to do what is right for you

      Thinking of you

    • #8480

      It is really difficult i posted on here as recently found out my bf is doing coke n smoking weed i dont no what to do for best x

    • #8481

      I`m sorry to hear that .This is what angers me , what do our loved ones want from us? .
      What support is out there for us to make the right decisions and choices for us?

      Take each day as it comes , it is all you can do

    • #8483

      Addiction is hard as a bystander…..and those addicted have only one thing on their mind….their choice of drug….I think its hard to walk away, but then staying means you go through all the crap with them and watch them killing themselves, literally!!! The time will come when you will make a decision one way or the other…..but whilst your in that picture dont enable them…..hugs all xx

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