Help don’t know what to do!

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    • #5781

      I am a single mum of 2 and my eldest son is causing alot of trouble in my home. I love him dearly but I think he is smoking weed every day. He is selling things, threatening to sell things, damaging my home in anger, not working and demanding money every other day, I have given him money and his grandad has also but this is not going to stop unless I stop it. I am so fearful that he is destroying my home which I have recently had rennovated. He is becoming abusive and more aggressive. Threatening myself and thowing things and kicking out and damaging things. I am at the end of my teather and to be honest I just dont know what to do. I have called the police but this has not stopped him. I cannot afford to give him money like this it is costing a fortune and it is costing me in repairs to my home. He shows a clear lack of respect and does not seem to care.

      I have looked for drug referrals but they will not take him until he refers himself. Need help now!

    • #16469

      You need to put boundaries in place. And make it clear if it continues then he has to leave. Make sure you follow through. I have an adult version, my husband. And I’m struggling. I’m moving house soon and once that’s done if he hasn’t improved I will be giving him an ultimatum with full intention of leaving if need be. Sorry I can’t offer a magic solution, you have to stop enabling and start distancing. Xx

    • #16494

      Hi Lainey,

      Thank you for posting. I know that what you are going through is really hard but hopefully I can offer you some support if you think it would be helpful.

      I work for a charity called The Icarus Trust. We offer support to people, like yourself , who are having to deal with a family member’s addiction because we know how hard it is. We have people called Family Friends who are trained and very experienced. If you contact us I can put you in touch with one of them. Talking with them might help you to find a way forward and they would be able to signpost you to whta other help is available.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Wishing you all the best.

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