Help me be strong………..

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    • #4338

      Good evening friends and for the lovely “cant take no more” “swifty” and lolipop, thank you for thinking of me, I have not been too well,, I have alot of doctors to see but im getting some help at last. My son was in court also on monday and will be sentenced on 3rd nov, he pleaded guilty to breaking the non molestation order, harrassing and demanding money from me for his drugs, when he goes back in nov, that is for another harrassment charge and again breaking the Non Mol, again he has pleaded guilty, so will see what happens.I am still very weak, and not strong at all where he is concerned, I blame myself for enabling him for so long, I remember my daughter saying ” whats it going to be like in 5 years time” and still nothings changed!. The non molestation has also been changed back to non contact wotsoever, we will see, …………I have to be strong and just say No!!! All is quiet at the moment, but it will kick off……..
      God bless my lovely peeps xxxxx

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