help me be strong for my son xxx

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      He is on bail for breaking his conditions not to harrass me for money for his drugs, he constantly demands money, tonight he kicked off again by coming to my house when he is not allowed, the police were called and he ran, I had to give a statement, im exhausted by it all, the demands, the abuse, the shouting, im skint potless broke, my money is his money, not sure where it come from but tonight I was as strong as an ox. I will no longer be the enabler, im sick of having nothing not even food in my cupboards………. so he runs, then he phones, he is crying, he has nowhere to run to, no friends, nowhere to go, ihave told him to hand himself in, it will be better for him to do that, he cannot come home, he tells me he is so sorry for what he put me through, he loves me and is scared he will go to prison now, infact he knows he will because he has broke not only the injunction but bail conditions too. Am I a bad mum for doing this? Im questioning myself pacing the floor, I did not want it to come to this, I love my son very much, he needs help to get off the cannabis, he made a doctors appointment to get some help but thats not till next week. Why did he have to scare me so much, he has never hit me but he plays mind games with me, demanding money, that I hav, nt got, and now he is out there running scared from the police and I cant get that out my head. Xxx

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