Help with drinking?

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    • #35297

      Hello, I’m a 30 year old from cambs and for the last 3 years I’ve been struggling with addiction to alcohol, I never used to drink but following the death of my only two friends I started having a few to be able to sleep and it has now progressed into me drinking at least 70cl of whiskey and a pint of beer a night (I’m a very routine person so it’s always the same) I’ve been drinking this quantity for a few years now and am noticing health deteriorating. I really want to stop for the sake of my partner and son but I don’t really know where to start. I’ve been told cold turkey could cause a stroke or worse but I clearly don’t have the self control to deal with this. Is there anything that can help or is this just who I am? I’ve tried local GP and local help but I’m looking at a few months before I even get seen (other than assessment) Thank you for taking the time to read this I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    • #35299

      Stopping cold turkey is not a good idea. Have you contacted your local drug and alcohol support services?

      • #35301

        I have, but there’s such a long waiting time I’m worried knowing me I’ll go back to the “I’ll just stop tomorrow” I have an assessment on Monday so hopefully they can provide some advice. I just got worried cause I spoke to a helpline today and they said because of funding you can be waiting for up to 8 months and I think that’s freaked me out a bit. I can no longer straighten my left arm and on my left arm I can spots of blood coming out where my veins are but I just get the run around when I call for help, even 111 hasn’t been much help but it doesn’t help I’m in a small village where the local gp can’t keep up (not their fault)

    • #35302

      Have* sorry my typing is aweful lol

    • #35664

      Hi Caw
      I too have a problem with alcohol,13 years dry untill 3 years ago when my wife moved on.i have been dry since.
      Imo if you try and cut some drink out of your routine you may be able to get your consumption down so you will have less ill effect on your body.Here if you beed to chat! Good luck! Mark

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