Help with finding info

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    • #37359

      Hello everyone!

      I am trying to find help for my partner to overcome alcohol addiction. Can anybody share what was the starting point in terms of reaching out to the services available.

      I have literally exhausted the internet and ringing various organisations and they slammed the door on me by saying that it needs to be the person who has got the addiction and didn’t entertained me at all by giving me the answers I wanted.

      Also, I would appreciate if someone could share, how their experiences were with the private & nhs rehabilitation centres?

      Thank you


    • #37364

      alcohol addiction is so painful for those that care ,the user is so cold and selfish and really cant understand how hurtful their words and actions can be.I have had a lot of experience with drugs and alcohol and i truly feel ur pain.

    • #37379

      Annoyingly, I second what they say at these centres, the person has to call and make the step.
      It’s hell for us as their family because we’re the only ones that feel the consequences of what they’re doing.

      If your partner has expressed wanting to take an active role in their sobriety, contacting your local drug and alcohol service or GP is the 1st step.

      Otherwise you’re the person doing all the running around for someone who isn’t remotely interested in being clean…it’s like taking a pill for another persons headache.

    • #37397

      Hi – many years ago I went to AA for my alcohol addiction – it worked for me. There is an “organisation” called Alanon specifically for the family and friends of alcoholics. You can attend Alanon meetings for yourself – regardless of whether the alcoholic seeks help or not. It is true though that the alcoholic must want to stop and seek help for themselves. This does not stop you though…good luck!!

    • #37563


      Im sorry to hear things are so tough for you right now. The Icaruse family support program can offer support and advice. You can find the self referral form at Referrals – ADAPT Charity Oxford (

      Take Care


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