Helping my sister overcome 6 year Codeine addiction

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    • #6503

      Hi everyone, it’s the first time Iv done something like this so please bare with me.

      My sister has been addicted to codeine for the past 7 years since having her child, (aswel as some other drugs sometimes) it’s got worse over the years to breaking point which is now. She has lost 3 houses, just lost her job, steals of family and everyone else raises her child and tries to keep it as normal as possible for him. His father died from a drug overdose 5 years ago and even though he never met him we all try to make it up to him and now seeing my sister in the state she’s in I’m scared he’s going to be without both parents. She has stopped taking them before for a couple of week but it was years ago now and she wasn’t on half as many as she’s on now.

      I don’t know for definite how many she takes as she won’t tell me but if I was to have an educated guess I would say 20-30 30mg a day. I suggested a couple of days ago she move in to my house and go cold turkey with the help of me and my partner whilst family look after her son which she declined. Today she has no money and no tablets, she text me asking if she could do the 2 weeks like I said. So she’s here now, she’s been in bed since tea time and I would assume the withdrawals have started. I want to support her the best I can and Iv looked online and got the basics of what to expect but learnt a lot from reading threads on here. She’s adamant about going cold turkey rather than tapering, Iv seen dehydration can be a big problem so have bought bottles of water to keep her hydrated and going to buy lots of fruit and healthy food tomorrow. I seen on another post about taking diazepam to get over the sleepless nights, is this something anyone would recommend? Just any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou for taking the time to read this.

    • #21432

      I wish you so well with this. Im 2.5 days off codeine. I wasnt taking those levels of pills each day but all i can say about diazepam is that they do alleviate withdrawl symptoms and help sleep but they are also very addictive. I had them for 10 days to get over another health matter not drug related but doctor was adamant they would not prescribe me anymore. Diazepam is commonly used for alcoholics who are stopping drinking. I think they might help your sister to get over the first week of withdrawal but they will then come a point when the diazepam will stop and that could be a very difficult situation for your sister. Your sister’s doctor would be best placed to devise a way forward. Maybe get your sister to post on here when shes feeling better to do so. I do not believe coming off addiction can be truly easy alone, its always easier being part of a self help group where people who have walked in same shoes. With covid its all a bit difficult to meetup in addiction groups, such as NA, or AA, but this place which i have only discovered today Adfam is a really good starting point. Good luck to you and your sister.

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