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    • #6642

      Hi all,

      Myself and my partner bought a house last year (before the dreaded covid) and since moving into the house I have found that my partner has been smoking heroin. I have tried absolutely everything to stop him. Cried, screamed etc. He has now lost his job due to this and the final straw was about a month ago when I caught him smoking in the house. I decided enough was enough and kicked him out due to this starting to affect my mental health. I have now been prescribed anti depressants as he has put me through hell this last year. Disappearing, phone off etc. Before all this drug use he was a really kind and caring person and this has completely changed to a person I barely recognise. I have had barely any contact with him since he left. However I am worried all the time about where he is what he’s doing as I know how dangerous this drug can be. I am not sleeping and can barely focus on my job never mind the house or anything else. Has anyone got any advice or help/support they can offer please? As I am really struggling and do not know what to do. Thank you ❤x

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