Heroin has my son

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    • #6701

      Hello I’m new to the forum. I just need someone to talk to. My 26 year old son is a heroin addict as well as his wife. I have joint custody of their son my grandchild. My son has no interest in becoming clean or attempting to get off this drug. It’s just a miserable existence for everyone involved. I wish I felt hope but I don’t. It’s the worst feeling in the world. Watching your own child destroy their life. I know I’m not alone. So many others are in the same situation.

    • #22902

      Hi mcmurry3,

      Welcome to the Forum, it’s a great place to share your story and be in contact with others that are in a similar situation.

      Until your Son decides he wants to give up I don’t think there is much you can do, it has to start with him, and it must be so hard when his wife is an addict too. Do you have your Grandchild live with you? At least you know your grandson is safe with you.

      Read the Theresa thread on here, there are lots of Mums with sons who are addicts, myself included, and it’s a great support.

      Take care of you and your grandson first, always know that you are not alone and can always talk to people on the Forum.

      Keep in touch on here, take care.


    • #22945

      Thank you Debc. Yes my grandson lives with me and my husband every other week. And the other grandmother the other time. We have been going to court. It’s a mess. I know I have to stay strong for the children involved. But it gets overwhelming. It’s nice to cents to others who understand. You are right my son has to decide to get the help he needs. And it makes it harder when his wife uses too. They feed off each other. I’m always here for anyone who wants to talk. We are in this fight together.

    • #23077

      Hi mcmurray3- you are not alone. You are to be commended for stepping in and caring for your precious grandchild. This forum has been a great place for me to share and vent and not feel so alone when you have an addicted adult son like me.

      Hugs to you ♥️

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