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    • #7101

      Hi everyone,this morning reality has hit.iv been with my partner for 6 yrs.hes drank for years.yes i tried helping him.i know,he can only help himself.he did stop for a few months dues to illness..but has started again recently.this time rum,not wine..so yesterday we picked up his daughter,who he hasnt seen for 2 yrs due to covid restrictions.and my son,,to have a weekend break.the kids are 21 and 17.basically he d drank over half a bottle of rum,plus some joints.my lad was on his x box,his daughter had just gone up to bed.partner stands up and gets his penis out.so i stand up to shield my son,who im hoping didnt realise what was going on..i glare at partner..he mumbled”sorry i forgot” i assume he ment forgot my son was there..i dont think my son saw..he seemed oblivious..i just feel lost.i cant confront it till after the weekend or it will be ruined for the kids.hes socially embarrassed me before but that was with older friends and it was just brushed off..but this..i just dont know how to handle it..it was in no way an advance on my son. If it was id be out of here and he d be flat out lol…guess i just need to rant right now..everyones still in bed and im just trying to hold myself together..thanks if you ve got this far x

    • #25630

      Hi Nic. Sounds like a pretty rough situation to deal with. Not something you can prepare for as it’s so random. I’ve seen many people before work alcohol issue for professional reasons.

      How is he when he’s sober? does he regret his behaviour? I guess the big question is does he want to change?

      I can see why you cant confront him this weekend. But you do obviously need to talk to him about his feelings about why he behaves as such.

      take care

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