Hi Guys Hope All Is Well I’m Here For

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    • #7794

      I was once an Addict too many substances I just thought I would sign up to this website to help people who are suffering from loads of other addictions, I’ve Had My Issues With Cocaine & Alcohol & Benzodiazapines and I just want to share a helping Word to People and Family’s who Are Struggling

    • #31334

      Hi addiction help, thank you for offering your advice. I’m absolutely at my whits end with our son! I’m not sure what to believe anymore. He lies although he says he’s not, it’s all very sad and frustrating. We have recently found he has got multiple credit card debts for thousands of pounds. He is addicted to Ket and Cocaine. I know it’s not ‘my problem’ but essentially it is. What advice would you give that my son may listen to because he clearly is not making good choices? thanks for any snippet of hope. KASmum

    • #32205

      I’m in the same situation as KASmum. I’m also looking on this website for any snippet of hope. I can’t see anyway my situation will change until one of us dies.

    • #32252

      Plenty to be hopeful for. Check out my thread Addiction Recovery is Possible by clicking on my name and finding it.

      There is one caveat however, the addict needs to see the light and start to believe there is a better tomorrow other than the day they find themself in today. I always knew there was a brighter tomorrow however this diminished towards the end of my addiction. It became so bad that I just thought that this life was just meant to be this way. Towards the very end I literally reached the point of exhaustion when I couldn’t function any more and realised that there was a better tomorrow. What this road looked like however was completelty unchartered but I had to start.

      It started with Today is a Day I won’t do Cocaine. As it happened the secondary motto was I don’t want to Drink any more. These days turned into weeks and into months (end of this month would be 10 months). Along this timeline good things managed to happen, magic was being felt, I was interacting with society once more, I was engaged in conversation, I was now in the moment, nature had its way of talking to me, love was being seen where it had always been but I failed to see it. All sounds very fluffy but giving up cocaine and alcohol made me feel alive again without the shackles, I was free, free to achieve whatever I wanted too

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