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    • #5796

      my wife was an heroin addict and we move to a new home to get her off it she has been taking buprenorphine and all was going well until she started to take crack,today she left the family house we have 2 children 16 and 14 at 1pm its now 1.20am and she is still not home this kind of thing has happened twice in 2 day ,she made a drug addict friend and think she is so nice so instead of letting her down she would rather leave me and the kids.

      My heart loves her but my brain is saying tell her to go what do i do.

      Anyone help would be much appreciated .

      Thank you

    • #16499

      Hi Pete,

      So sorry you and your kids are going through this. Seems to be like she is using again unfortunately. Especially if she has addict friends. If you feel like it is effecting your children then you should leave, they don’t deserve to go through it either. Sorry again

    • #16500

      Thank you

    • #16501

      Sorry to hear you are all going thru this. Unfortunately the two substances go hand in hand. Crack is very addictive, which would explain the disappearing acts. What would be more alarming is that she is putting herself and others at risk of this nasty virus, so I would urge you to protect yourself and the children. She would then need to make the decision to stop using, however I am very aware how difficult getting off these drugs can be, especially if she is not attending any psychological interventions coupled with the buprenorphine. I hope she has some Naloxone to help minimise any overdosing behaviors.

      My advice would be to focus on you and the children.

      As for the people she is hanging about with, they aren’t friends at all, however sometimes they can be if benefit especially if she is using. It’s always best not to use alone. Take good care

    • #16502

      Thank you .so much

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