High functioning alcoholic

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    • #7478

      Hi everyone, just wanted to share my current situation. My husband is a high functioning alcoholic and by that I mean he holds down a very good job and to the outside world seems to have his head together. We’ve been together 7 years and have a little girl and I am at the end of my tether. He is fine for months and then spirals, missing work, drinking vodka in the morning etc. He is in a spiral now. I haven’t involved anyone else because he’s asked me not to so not only am I enabling him, I’m dealing with this all alone. I don’t know what to do – do I stay and try convince him to get help? He has tried before and only admits he has a problem when he is coming down and vulnerable. Or do I leave and start again with my child? Financially this would be detrimental to me and I would also worry he would kill himself either literally or through drink.

    • #28975

      Hi, I have just put a very similar post and sounds as though we are in a a similar situation,

      What did you decide to do?

      My partner has also tried to access help before with local alcohol service when in a low place, things improve for a while but then go round in circles again. I’m also thinking of leaving, it’s really hard trying to decide what to do for the best. My partner also talks about ending his life when low after a bout of heavy drinking or when iv broached the subject of leaving . Sending love and understanding to you

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