HOPE !!!!!!!

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    • #4094

      Would just like to say ” merry christmas” to all who are suffering from a loved one’s addiction. Im hoping my son will turn-up but I doubt it.. May you all find comfort somehow and let’s HOPE the new year bring’s brighter thing’s , godbless xxx

    • #7975

      If what you have written means that your son is missing then I honestly don’t know how you cope and live with it. I know you have to but it almost makes my son’s alcoholism seem a trifle. At least I know where he is – albeit in hospital – I know he’s safe for the time being. My thoughts are with you.

    • #7980

      Aw bless you, no we had a big fall out and he went to ground, I chose not to go banging on door’s looking for him as I normally would do, get’s a bit embarassing after all he is nearly 30 yrs old now.. He doe’snt want help again yet, so i will wait in vain for him to decide when he has had enough again!! Hope your son is doing well, alcohol in my eye’s is just as dangerous to some people as class A drug’s..thought’s are with you both xx

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