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    • #4269

      I as a mother of my son who relapsed after 26 yrs of sobriety and with legal chemicals basically because he had pain issues with arthritis and gave in to despair almost lost his life! How little I was helped and what hopelessness to face someone who has chemicaly changed their brains:
      BUT and its a big “BUT” I hung in I didnt throw him out and he has been dry and clean for 3 weeks now and is now longer suicidal with his pain conditions and is being referred to pain management. But after all this time to be faced again with the problem he had when he was eighteen having practised tough love at that time and got him into the best treatment center in this country and him coming thro obtaining a degree being a teacher and then developing a physical health problem he went on to fall into addiction again. It is a horror but worse was the lack of real support from health professionals! I THINK SO MANY ARE LOST BECAUSE THEY DONT GET THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME AND TO THE MOTHERS AND RELATIVES MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU THE AGONY OF SEEING ONES CHILD of whatever the age & HOWEVER OLD IN THE GRIPS OF THESE DEADLY CHEMICALS IS HORRENDOUS-THEY ARE NO LONGER HUMAN.THEY RELINQUISH THEIR WILL POWER AND THEIR LIVES. I WISH ALL THESE CHEMICALS COULD BE BANNED AND I WISH THAT EVERY MOTHERS AND RELATIVES HEART CAN WITHSTAND THE REAL SUFFERING OF LOVE.. AND THAT IT WILL COME THROUGH. My son has returned to himself. AND WHAT A JOY _ he understands that his delusions blaming was due to drugs .Sadly he so called used legal drugs to overcome his genuine arthritic pain. But what is evident is that the addicts mind is still there he fell almost to the point of death.I am sharing with you my hope and a good outcome. I am also sharing with you the dread the anquish of trying to save someone who is in the grips of drugs and not capable at the time. Who really does one turn to. THANKFULLY HE HAS A GOOD GP !!!! THE MOTHER.

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