Hope someone can help me I need to stop stop this dam drug

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  • Author
    • #7574

      I’m really fed up with taking cocaine it is taking over my life

    • #29836

      I need help

    • #29842

      I’m really proud of you for admitting this, most wouldn’t!! My husband for one is still in denial and our marriage is in tatters.

      It’s easy for me to say, but I believe you can do this!! Do you have people to fight for?? What’s your situation x

      • #29848

        Hi Bella don’t really know where to begin. I’ve used cocaine for many years but could always control it. Now my husband gets it in large amounts. I have asked him not to get it any more cos it’s taking over our lives.he says I’m selfish asking him not to have it cos I can’t control myself and keep having it he gives me it then goes mad with me when I keep taking it. I have now been awake since Friday and have work in the morning. Same story different day thanks for getting back to me. I feel like I have taken the first step x

    • #29845

      Hi Just

      Welcome to the forum, please stay strong, confide in someone who can support you.

      If it’s cocaine, join CA groups or Narcotics Anonymous. These guys are so supportive and helpful. They totally understand as many are in recovery and know how you feel.

      My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions and thanks to them and and a whole lot of willpower, he’s over 1 year clean.

      You can do this too Just. Read Danman83 and Jamesb posts, they are both guys in recovery who post here .

      In the meantime, take care of yourself, the best you can.

      Lx ❤️

    • #29850

      You absolutely have taken the important first step!! Something inside is telling you this isn’t right for you anymore, I applaud you for this! Is there anyone you can confide in? A loved one? A friend? I only wish my husband would have yhe same realisation that you’ve had, you’ve got this!!!! Xx

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