I am a new mum! I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years. He is now a cocaine addict. He hid the fact that he took cocaine from me for the first two years, however it finally all came out (I have no idea about drugs, so I didn’t recognise the warning signs) – He apparently only used to take cocaine at weekends, on nights out! Now he has it everyday (a small amount, but still… everyday)… Anyway, I now have a child with him, he told me he would stop when the baby was born.. surprise, he hasn’t… when I confront him about it, he blames me for his cocaine use, tells me it’s because he isn’t happy at home, I make him miserable, he didn’t take it as much before he met me, etc etc… which is all nonsense!!… I’m 23 and I now have a baby to think about! (I never leave the baby in his care if he has taken cocaine)!!… There is more to life than this, I used to be an extremely confident person and now I feel broken. I want to help him for the sake of his child, I want them to have a relationship. He has no family that support him (I’m welcome to move back in with my parents at anytime) but I don’t want to leave him and make him feel worse than he already does. I want to help him (he won’t get help himself) however I don’t have the funds to pay for him to go to rehab.
Any advice would be appreciated 🙁