how can i help my dad

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    • #6331

      Hello, this is the first time I’ve ever decided to talk to other people about my father’s addiction, so sorry if it gets long, also english is not my first language.

      My father has been drinking way before I was born, I always thought that was his way of coping as his father died when he was a teen, his mother had mental problems and his brother became a criminal.

      We live next to, on the same parcel, as my mother’s parents. They also have/had alcohol issues, as I’ve heard stories from my father that he used to come and drink with his father-in-law when he was as young as 18ish. My father hates my grandparents’ guts as they also have various issues, but my grandparents are a whole different story.

      We also aren’t very wealthy, and I’m listing those things as I wanted to figure out how can I help my father and what is the cause of his almost life long addiction. I feel like it’s despair and pity, that he has to live so near to terrible people, while having no other options, his life tragedies and few other things.

      I’m studying hard so I can get into my dream university and help my family financially, but my biggest fear is that I either fail or my father won’t live that long.

      He’s in his mid 50s and I don’t exactly remember but I know he had some liver issues and the only reason he started drinking less one time because the doctor said he should really stop. I tried to talk and understand him, with no avail really. Whenever we get into argument it always ends up with him drinking more later and me having the feelings of guilt, anger and pity.

      Sorry if I’m typing too vague or too much or not enough, but any advice would be appreciated as I really want to help my father and for my closest family to finally function normally and happily

    • #20016

      Hello, I don’t really have much advice as my dad is also a alcoholic and has been all my life and just put my own post up, hoping for someone to answer my questions but I just wanted you to know your not alone. I don’t think you can help someone if they don’t want to be helped.. I know my dad has always refused it, he won’t see the doctors or anything and I am quite worried about his health now but there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do. It’s a really hard situation and I’m sorry your going through it too.

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