How do I begin to stop

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    • #37125

      Hi, I’m new to all of this. I’m 44, married with 2 children 18 and 15. I desperately want to stop drinking. I’ve always been a fan of the pub and a messy night out but over the years it’s got worse. I drink minimum of a bottle of wine a day. I frequently can’t remember my evenings and wake up needing a drink. I work full time, I’m fully functioning and I don’t think people realise how bad it is but I cannot get thru the day without a drink.

      i am scared to go to my GP as I don’t want a black mark on me. My children are my absolute world. I want help but not if it means I have to tell them.

      Can anyone help me? I honestly think I need to go to rehab. I have money so could go but would it mean someone would take my children?


    • #37129

      Happy NY, gtx4eva – You’ve already begun to stop, by realizing that you want to and need to stop. This is a huge beginning that some people never realize.  Celebrate this part of your recovery, by doing something nice for yourself.  Whatever that may be – just for you. A new book, a manicure, hot bath, new pair of shoes, bracelet, etc.  I recommend something that you can look at through the day, that reminds you of how important this moment is – for you.  Your new beginning.

      Your obvious love for your children and concern for yourself will get you there.  You can do this!

    • #37130

      Hi, we’ll done for reaching out.

      your children won’t be taken and services won’t be notified if you go private I’m pretty sure as I called a few private rehabs for my partners family member.

      Maybe make a start and call some up, and explain you’d situation or say you are calling for someone else and explain your fears re the children. The ones I spoke to said they will not notify services though

      good luck xx

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