How do I stop myself?

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    • #35293

      Hi everyone.
      Found this forum and I thought it might be useful to speak to other people who maybe in the same boat as me.
      I know I have an alcohol addiction problem. I’m a functioning alcoholic. I can go a couple of days without a drink then something will just flick inside me and tell me to go and buy a bottle of whiskey. I know I shouldn’t, but I somehow block out the sensible voice in my head. I don’t know why I do it. I don’t even enjoy it. I will then wake up the next day feeling bad, telling myself I’ll never do that again. Few days later I’ll do it again.
      It’s ruining my life and I don’t know how to stop. I can feel my body deteriorating, it’s affecting my finances, and now starting to affect my work.
      It’s so strange because if I go out to the pub I can sit with my friends, have a few beers, and then go home. In that situation I can control it perfectly. When I’m sat alone at home I seem to have no control.

      I wish I could talk to my friends and family about it but I’m so embarrassed. Whoever said “admitting you have a problem is the hardest part” was talking nonsense! I’ve known I’ve got a problem for ages. Stopping is the hardest part!


      I just don’t understand how I’ve got here. My Mum died from alcoholism when I was just a teenager. I hated alcohol at that time. I was so angry with my Mum after she died. I felt like she had chosen booze over her family. I understand now how difficult it must’ve been for her.

      Anyway, just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to fight back against this before I kill myself?


    • #35294

      Hi New,

      You should look up AA meetings in your area. There will be lots on everyday where you can meet people going through something similar and can offer advice. They also do them remotely. They will help you get the advice you need.

      Good luck x

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