How do you stop the routine and thought of wanting cocaine.. how do you tackle the first step of wanting some? Its hard

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    • #5538

      How do you stop… how do you go from having a routine of doing cocaine often to stopping one day…. how do you not do it when you really want it, mean as in how do u stop yourself from thinking I want some and getting it cos its in your head and you want it and also its a routine where you do it often. How do you day just think im gonna get abit to not doing it. This is the hardest part

    • #15002

      Dont beat yourself up about it for a start. Admitting you have a problem is a big start in recovery.

      You need to delete every dealer out your phone or friends who take cocaine. Even family. Dont even hang around with coke users any more. You cant drink alcohol as this is a trigger for coke.

      Avoid all trigger points, places you picked up.. pubs you have used in. Walk another way. Things that trigger u have coke with.

      Your just stuck in a big hole and need to change your routine around. So do a weekly calander with daily task of new hobbies.. gym, read, walk, run, swim, decorate, build something.. anything u want. And stick to it! Tick each day off u do it as a goal you have achieved.

      When u wake up, tell yourself you are just going to stay soba for today. Planing far ahead is too much.

    • #15003

      I listen to a lot of podcast they help. Watching cocaine recovery stories on you tube help as well. Buy some books about ex addicts recovery stories. They help a lot .

      • #15007

        I just bought a book called get clean but i havent even picked the book up yet. I hate reading … once i start reading ill get into it. And thats what i need to do… reading is also a hobby i suppose to take up time and take your mind off of wanting to get it …


      • #15008

        I will go on you tube then thats a good idea… thank you

    • #15004

      Yes i agree u have to cut out any associate to do with it. But its so common most of my friends do it. Dont even need friends to do it. Get some and do it at home when you really got it in your head as its been such a routine for few years now. If u want it u get it. The hardest part is to stop that feeling of wanting it. Even dropping people out and being alone … if u want it u get it.

      It is all about willpower and a strong mind to tell yourself no u want it cos its what ur used to but u dont need it. So hard x

    • #15006

      Yes u are right im exactly the same as u i have cut everyone off and have it on my own. But you would have it alot more if u was with friends. Its all about just cutting it out as much as possible really.

    • #15009

      Its like your getting tested all time.. your brain will put u in situations were u yourself would not go just so you get it. Your brain plays tricks with u because it wants coke.

      • #15010

        Exactly so how do u stop your brain thinking that … so hard… i suppose once u train your mind to think something else it gets easier x

    • #15011

      Watch louise clarke on you tube on crack cocaine part 123. Shes an expert in treating people and really knows her stuff. Ive just finished her book for the 3rd time. She explains how are brain works with coke, how to beat cravings and to beat the disease.

    • #15013

      Oh really ok i will watch her. Thank you. Good tips u have thanks again xx

    • #15014

      Just download that app. X

    • #15017

      Good. It will help u alot

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