How i got into drugs

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      When i was 14 and just got into high school, i wasnt the happiest person. I was depressed and suicidal and i didnt know what i wanted with my life or if i even wanted anything. On the first week on school i meet this guy and we became friends and talked a bit and stuff. We knew each other only for 2 months but hanging out with him was my only reason to get up in the morning and get ready for school. We became close and i found out hes a drug addict. I didnt think much of it and at first i didnt believe it. We became a couple and it was nice but he started offering my drugs because he said its a good way for 2 people to open up and become closer in a short period of time, of course i said no at first. He would offer it to me every now and then and sometimes ask me if id ever do drugs with him and my answer would always be no. But one day me him and my friends were hanging out and he had something with him to snore and he offered it to all of us, one of our friends took it and a bit later i also gave in. I didnt really care much if i became a drug addict at first and i thought of it like ” i dont be addicted, i can stop whenever i want to” but i was wrong. After that first time, id take sometjing every weekend with him and we had fun and we did really get closer but usually a day after we would take drugs he would become angry and agressive, because he couldnt sleep or eat or he had a fight with his parents and sometimes it would lead to us fighting. I want to stop doing drugs and some people told me to break up with my boyfriend, but even if i did i know that would help me much bc most of the people i hang out with do drugs and dont have a problem with it. I feel like if i found a way to stop, id have to isolate myself completely from everyone that does drugs.

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