How to confront an alcoholic

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    • #6187

      Hi All,

      I’m just looking for some advice on how to confront my mum about her alcohol addiction. We’ve just learnt recently my dad’s cancer has came back so she’s worse than ever. I’m worried about how bad my mum will get if my dad doesn’t get better this time. I also am moving out of the family home so feel guilty for leaving and not being there to look after my mum, dad and brother. My brother has a short temper when it comes to my mum’s drinking habits so I’m scared their relationship will break down when I’m not there to be the peace maker. I want to try and get her the help she needs before I move out as I’m not sure how they will cope without me there.

      Any advice would be great.

    • #19258

      Hi, I live with an alcoholic, I’ve just joined this forum to try and find help and support too so I don’t have much advice right now, only that someone with an addiction has to want to help themselves first and foremost. That’s really hard because all we want to do is help them and get them sorted, but the desire to do so has to come from them.

      My partner has tried to stop so many times before because he knows it’s what I want, not because he wants to do it. It’s now, that he ended hitting me and hurting me that he has decided for himself that the drinking must stop.

      I don’t know how you best introduce to you mum that she should stop drinking, but she needs to be led to make the conclusion herself I think. Overwise you are all on a massive roller coaster. I found some useful resources on here that explain the different stages of addiction and recovery and helped me see things differently and how I can work out what stage my partner is at and best support him through that stage.

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