How to help

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    • #32214


      I think my boss is a high functioning alcoholic. They binge but they admitted today they drink half a bottle of brandy a night.

      My concern is I went to their house today at 11:30am for a day out and my boss was naked and very clearly drunk. I had to help them get dressed, which although we are friends was hard to do to maintain that professional relationship.

      I’m worried as they work 4 days a week and drive to and from work, a 30 mile round trip. a

      They admitted they recently had a scan which showed fatty liver, now they are worried they might die. This person lives alone and is in their 40s. They have parents and siblings who know they drink but unsure if they know to what extent.


      We work as nurses but not clinical. What can I do to help without ruining our working relationship and friendship.


      They are having counselling but won’t admit they have a problem with alcohol as they can not drink for a couple of days and feel fine.


      Should I escalate my concerns at work , should I tell the person’s family.


      I was so worried today as I knocked the door, rand their phone and no answer. Their front door was unlocked, my first thought when I walked in the house was I hope they aren’t dead.

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Can anyone give me any advice.</p>

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