How to help myself while helping partner

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    • #7177

      Hey all, my first post here. I’m looking for ways that I can help support my own well-being while I support my partner through the awful illness of addiction, I find that I constantly put his needs first and I need advise on how to help myself at the same time as helping him.

    • #26360

      Hi Rachel, i know all too well how you feel it’s such a hard balance isn’t it as you want to help them but it’s hurting you. I feel that you can’t really help someone suffering with addiction, without enabling them. If they feel they will always have your support regardless they may lose incentive to stop. Can I ask what’s your situation what’s he’s drug of choice? Do you live together?

      • #26373

        Hi, thank you for replying, I agree, I often feel that by offering the support that I do that I am enabling without meaning to. His drug is Ketamine and we do live together yes. X

    • #26385

      Hi, I haven’t posted on here before but I saw your message and I’m in a similar position. I’ve just been googling and found ‘famanon’ who run support groups online for partners of addicts. I’m going to try and join one and see if it helps me look after myself too, but I thought I’d let you know in case it was helpful x

      • #26392

        That’s great thank you! I was Googling too but couldn’t really find anything! I’ve set my own group up on Facebook cos I felt like if I was struggling to find anything maybe others were too! I hope you have managed to find something to help you x

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