How to support someone with a cocaine addiction in the best way

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    • #6734

      Hi everyone,

      I’ve posted in here before.

      A friend of mine is a cocaine addict, he is currently taking part in meetings and receiving therapy. Recently he has been diagnosed with a hypersexuality disorder, this is all part of his addiction. He uses cocaine to fulfil fantasies. I here cocaine makes people feel horny, but it’s scary how long a session on cocaine lasts when he is using. He goes anywhere up to 18 hours, on his own at home. He is isolating himself away and has little to no contact with anyone.

      He has been receiving treatment for a few months, however he is still using. Personally I do believe he wants to stop completely but he is not fully ready.

      I lent him money last year on a couple of occasions, but will never do that again as I am just enabling the process. He hasn’t asked me since to lend him money.

      Sometimes it feels as though he opens up, wants to talk about his problems but shuts me off at the same time.

      I really want to be a friend, not many people know what it is he does, atleast I don’t think they do. I’m scared most of all he will use, get on one and overdose. When I know he’s using I can’t wait for the next day when I know he’s ok and back to “normal”.

      How do I support him, advice from others would be appreciated.

    • #23173

      Thanks for sharing your story about your friend’s addiction. I’m sorry that its so hard and scary for you. if you would like some help to answer your questions please contact us at Icarus trust. We offer support to people like you who are dealing with another person’s addiction. if you contact us we can put you in touch with one of our Family friends. They are trained and very experienced so talking with one of them might help you to know what to do next.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.


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