Husband addicted to cocaine

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      My husband has a cocaine addiction. I left him 2 years ago due to having enough I cheated on him no excuse I know but he was not there for me when my brother killed himself I felt I had to deal with all on my own because he was too busy taking cocaine . I left for 1 year then moved back as my teenage kids said he had destroyed the house and was just sleeping all day . I went home he has since asked me to leave every time he’s in a mood . We have sex sometimes he’s nice to me and I feel like our marriage is getting better other days he tells me I’m a flag he never wants to get back with me. He wants a divorce . Then he flips it coming onto me begging for sex and affection it’s like mind games. He’s been adding young girls on Facebook , only fans girls on Facebook messaging girls saying how gorgeous they are . I even found messages to say he’s tried it on with our neighbour for sex when they was both taking cocaine together. Is this normal behaviour for a cocaine addict ?? The man I knew would never do things like that I just thought he was trying to get revenge for my infidelity. Recently he tried kicking me out the house I had to phone the police and get a non molestation order and occupation order . Am I a bad person for doing this ? I’ve been told he has to hit rock bottom before he gets help ? I’m just worried now that he is going to hate me forever and never get our marriage back . I love him so much I’m heartbroken

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