Husband addicted to pain killers

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    • #4824

      I wonder if anyone out there could help me or just lend an ear.

      I’ll start off by saying my husband is addicted to prescription drugs. This has now been going on for years, increasing the variety in drugs also. Tramadol, Codeine, oromorph, speed, anabolic steroids.

      May I say he also sufferes with depression and anxiety which he is prescribed medication for..

      I can’t put my finger on when this first happened as it feels like it’s been so long now.

      We both have been together now for 20 years and have 2 children together and it’s starting to greatly take its toll

      On myself and the children.

      After some years of abuse it all came to a head in November 2017 and my husband developed bilateral pneumonia and was in a coma for 2 weeks. After him being released from hospital I thought things may change but it hasn’t the tablets are increasing along with the mood swings, paranoia and threats of suicide.

      he tells me he is now coming off the lot and is going cold turkey. And don’t I know it, the doctor has now prescribed another antidepressant along with his sertraline which is making him very tired and lethargic.

      Why am I starting to feel very hostile towards him? And my patience is wearing very thin? I feel i should be helping him through this but it always seems to as though there is something wrong, something to set him off and then it 2 steps back again. I understand that I don’t know how he’s feeling and I have never been in this situation before, but I feel as though something has now died inside of me to be able to want to.

      Can anyone help?

    • #10022

      Your story has many parallels to mine. My husbands uses alcohol, and has done off and on for years. Eventually he gets careless, and I catch him out eg find bottles,so he promises to cut down and not hide booze. He even fell over in a park, and couldn’t get up, when still on crutches after hip surgery. Ambulance took him to hospital, verdict was, a faint caused by drinking too much. In February he fell and broke the other hip, and was in hospital with no drink, for 2 weeks. He had severe withdrawal problems even with meds to help with it. He decided he’d go alcohol free from then on. He had a big blip at the end of May, but was on the whole, much better. But then the bombshell – he’s actually never stopped drinking, just cut back a bit . And has lied and lied and lied to me about it, for the last 5 months.

      I don’t know the answer but like you, I feel hostile as he’s taken me for a ride with his lies for too long. The only way I have a little impact is when I loose it and end up shouting or getting really upset. That’s not really me, but I too, am right out of sympathy now. I finished breast cancer treatment in February and I want to go places and do things. He has poor health and is totally unfit all relating to “self medicating” with booze. Since Feb, I had put his recovery first, including from alcohol. He begs me not to tell anyone. What a mug. So in May, I have given him an ultimatum- get fit and and sort out the alcohol problems, or you’re out. There’s a date on the calendar. I gave him 6 months. I so hope it doesn’t come to that.

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