Husband drunk and on cocaine

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    • #6368


      I don’t know what to do. My husband’s been drinking a lot and often uses cocaine. The usage accelerated during lockdown, he stopped for two months but started again last week.getting high Almost daily, drinking daily a lot too. We have a 5yo child. There’s been a lot of fighting and screaming. He’s now sitting in the car in the driveway, drunk and most likely getting high. I want to call the police but fear consequences for myself. Divorce seems inevitable but I’m still scared of consequences. Any similar experiences or advice? Would really appreciate it. I have no family in this country so taking off is impossible

    • #20203

      Hello stargo I’m sorry you’re going through this on Christmas Day. I myself called an ambulance for my husband yesterday, we have four children in the house. He is an alcoholic and started drinking again two weeks ago, I am exhausted with everything I have had to do alone to prep for Xmas and look after him as well, I feel very broken at the moment. He has not been discharged from hospital and I don’t think he will for a couple of days, they have him on oxygen and morphine and he’s waiting a scan to see what damage there is inside. I love him very much but feel very angry towards him right now, my disappointment is bitter to the core. He wasn’t even capable of buying me a Christmas present this year and I console myself that the girls are happy and still had a lovely Christmas. He has ruined Christmas and my last two birthdays by drinking and ending up in hospital. My ex husband and father of my girls was diagnosed with cancer in November so my husband decided to drink again. We found out My daughter was being groomed online to self harm in October so he started drinking again. Every time I need him or there is a special occasion he turns back to his alcoholic ways and instead of having support I have added worries with him, anything nice I look forward to he ruins. I don’t think it’s intentional it’s a disease but I do not think I can continue. Social services have been notified so they will be contacting me to make sure everything is ok at home. He isn’t angry or violent drunk just absolutely useless and now I feel like I’m a bad parent for loving him. My mother shouted and screamed at me yesterday for being with him. It actually makes me hate her, she isn’t supporting me just blaming me but that’s her way of coping I guess. I’m not sure I have much advice except look after you and your son, you are not responsible for his actions and cannot control them, I am sending you love and hugs and here if you’d like to talk. Xx

    • #20232

      Your not alone, I’m struggling too this Christmas with an addict husband. Out of the blew 2 years ago it started cocaine and alcohol. Life has been turned upside down just soul destroying it never stops and everyone around me doesn’t understand and hates me for forgiving him and trying. I hate myself sometimes. It’s so hard to cope with the constant hell their addiction brings and unable to let go of what we once had and still loving that person with hope they will get clean ????

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