Husband is an addict

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    • #6624

      I’m not too sure where to start if I’m honest, I’ve been with my bow husband almost 7 years and I’m furniture our fourth child in 3 months. I knew he took cocaine socially – very rarely so I thought so never really bothered me. However for the past few months he’s taking it daily when me and the children sleep. He will sleep on the sofa. It makes him horny and he will try it on and he just gets mad when I say no. He’s adding loads of girls on fb and has tried contacting an ex a few weeks ago. We fought so hard to get to where we are and now the coke hasn’t made him into this person I barely know. The next day he’s so horrible to me, he snaps at the children. Blames me for why things have changed etc etc it breaks my heart. He’s admitted he’s addicted he won’t get help. I don’t want to split our family apart because of this. I’m just tired of crying and being made to feel it’s all my fault. Not entirely sure what I’m asking. Just feel very low and I guess wanting to know if husband behaviour is because of the coke

    • #22207

      Hiya, hope you are OK. Im 3 month clean from coke after using for about 11 year. Of course your husbands behavior is because of the coke. It does make you want sex and it can lead to other seedy things. I took it in the house on my own, I thought I was the only person that does it. When it’s wearing off it’s called a come down and this makes you feel depressed and can make u feel suicidal for days. Probably why he is snappy, and no sleep, shitty food, negative thoughts. Don’t blame any of this on you. We as addicts make our own decisions. Some can because of childhood traumas from what I’ve been learning. If he wants to quit he needs to want to for himself. No point in saying he has to. Because he won’t. He needs delete all dealers nums and friends and fam who use. Come off Facebook and other social media. This makes u want to use, and message dealers. He prob is off his head adding these girls on fb aswell. I finally joined CA meetings and got a sponsor after vowing never to go there. And I’ve been clean ever since and I’m so much happier now. Feel free to ask me anything

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