Husband OD and now in rehab

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    • #5809

      I never thought I would ever be in his situation as I have never even tried any type of drugs ( not even a cigarette).

      I met my now husband (been married for almost a year) nine years ago. When we met he told me he was a recovering addict and was on suboxone.

      Fast forward to this year, I discovered he starting using again while I was away on a work trip . He said he had it uncontrolled and begged me to not tell his family. This was back in January and since then he has been drinking 3 to 4 days a week and lying to me about it.

      This past week we got in a big fight and he ended up at his uncle’s where he got wasted. I called his brother for help and it just made things worse. He told his uncle and his brother he was going home.When he didn’t come home I proceed calling him multiple times with no answer. I called his uncle and brother and no one knew where he was.

      After 3 hours he finally answered and told me ” he fell asleep” I didn’t believe that. When he got home and finally admitted he used heroin. He didn’t look right and I went to grab my phone to look up overdose signs and before the page could load I found him hunch over in the bathroom turning purple. I called 911 and they had me proceed with cpr. It felt like the paramedics took forever to arrive. They were able to bring him back and that night I called his brother and parents and asked for help.

      He is currently in rehab, but I am realizing I had been naive and enabling him. I am scared because I love him, but I don’t know if I want to live a life like this.

      Any experience or advice you could provide would be extremely grateful.

    • #16608

      Hi so sorry you are going through this and what you went through with your husband.

      I would use this time hes in rehab to get your confidence back and do things for you to make yourself feel better from all this stress.

      When your husband is due out of rehab I would set boundaries of what you want, just make sure you keep to them.

      I hope your husband can sort his drug problem out for the sake of your marriage.

      Clear your mind then start to think about what you really want in life.

      Take care x x

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