Husband struggling

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    • #7560

      My husband has always been a drinker but I never really saw it as a problem. We have been together since our 20s we are now in our 40s.

      We have two happy amazing teenage boys and have had so many amazing memories however there has always been the shadow of addiction. This is part of his personality, over the last few years this is becoming more and more of an issue.

      About 4 years ago I discovered he was taking cocaine it started social but then he started taking time off work. He began to disappear when he returned he would say it was a mistake but would never discuss it. At one point it got really bad and he agreed to go to rehab. I thought this is it £6000 & he will be all fixed!!

      Obviously this didn’t happen and quite quickly he was back to disappearing. This started as months apart then weeks currently it’s days.

      I moved out 2 weeks ago and he just seems to be even worse. I am desperately trying to keep things calm and normal or my kids but this is become difficult. My husband has not worked for almost a year now being off with depression. He has a really well paid job that I fear he will lose.

      I have always kept his secret everyone thinks we have a great life. I just feel like I no longer exist. I smile and lie to everyone but I know I’m going to break down soon. ????????

    • #29583

      Hi I know what you mean my husband off 22 years left me and our boys last year no reason until it came out he was using cocaine behind my back and had ran up huge debt , we had a great marriage before it I still can’t believe this is my life , he’s lost everything x

    • #29585

      We have also had real money issues. If I leave now I will have nothing however if I stay I think I will also end up with nothing & miss the chance to be happier.

      Hope you are doing ok xx

      Thanks for responding.

      • #29586

        It sucks doesn’t it ? Left with nothing after all these years ? Is he supporting the kids ? Mine is always skint constantly, is he not trying to get you back ?

    • #29588

      Yeah he wants me back but I have gone past that now. We have been round in the same circles for years. He has let me down so many times that I can’t forgive he anymore!!

      • #29589

        It’s extremely selfish isn’t it I’ll never forgive him for what he’s put us through x sending you a hug x

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