Husbands habit & lies, how do I move on?

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    • #36500

      My first time writing on here…. My husband has had an addiction to cocaine most of his adult life, we married last year and although I knew of this addiction I believed him when he said he wanted to get clean. Last week serious words were had on the subject. Yesterday he promised me and swore on my life he hadn’t purchased any this week and wasn’t going to use. What he doesn’t know is that I’ve found his stash so I know he’s lied, and even after many chances to tell the truth still lies. Last night he stayed up all night so I know that’s what he did – not at our house, at his friends. Do I tell him I found his stash and I know he’s lied? How can I get him to proactively get help? Do I just leave? He has no job and I worry he’s using our savings to pay for the habit. Any advice? Thanks.

    • #36502

      I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this. This is actually the first thing I’ve written on this site, I came on here hoping to find similar help! I’m in a very similar position… my husband has always used cocaine (without my knowledge) but it’s only been the past 18 months that it has became an issue…. Debts spiralling, losing his job, staying up all night etc.

      Regarding your question, how do you think he would react if you confronted him? I’ve learned the hard way that my husband is going to lie to me regardless of how many promises he has made. I have spoken to DrugFam several times who have stressed to focus on my own well-being and taking care of myself… makes sense but is easier said than done.

      Are your savings 50/50? I’d be tempted to check the balance and if he has been dipping into it for drugs, then move your part to another account. You need to protect your own future finances.

    • #36504

      Guys I need help – I’m addicted to cocaine.


      I don’t want to do it anymore I have a family

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