I don’t have the energy anymore

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    • #6192

      I’ve taken my ex back about 3 months ago, after the promises of him wanting to be a better person, wanting to be the man he said i deserve, telling me he’s not addicted to coke and crack and he doesn’t want to take it no more…sounds familiar, I’ve heard it all before, more than once.. this time I took him back I’d literally just lost my younger sister, I was vulnerable and wanted to believe what he was saying. He very quickly moved back in. A couple of weeks later I found out I have an autoimmune disease that affects my thyroid (hyperthyroidism) I’m on thyroid and anti anxiety medication, I still havent been able to grieve for my sister and now on top of everything I find knots and a crack pipe in my bedroom. I’ve not had the energy to confront him about it yet, it was only yesterday when I found them but I know how it’s going to turn out.. after the lies and gas lightening he’ll just say do you want me to leave then… part of me does and part of me doesn’t but I know hes not going to change, I know it’s making me ill and I know it’s just a downward spiral from here until we do split up again…I’ve been here to many times before with him. Can’t talk to anyone about it I feel so stupid for believing him again.

    • #19218

      This sounds very familiar to what Ihave been and still am going through. I’m coming to the conclusion that things will never change. I might get the odd month he behaves but then I’m on pins leading up to the next day pay. It is beginning to affect me emotionally and financially as everything falls on me running the house paying bills running a car I have nothing left financially due to his wrecked ness with money I am being blamed for his episodes and I start to feel there is more for me than this when the promises to change are false. I don’t know if this is like you and I wish I had the answer but I don’t I am getting incredibly close to calling time. Hope u are ok

      • #19223

        Yes it’s just the same, he doesn’t work, he gets a little benefit but spends more than he gets on drugs. When I’m at work I know he’s doing coke and crack. I am emotionally drained, financially exhausted but it’s the lies more than anything, if I confront him he denies everything, turns everything on me, makes out I’m crazy. When he’s not on it he’s so loving and thoughtful but I can’t do this jackal and hyde thing anymore. He’s not going to stop I know that, truth is i don’t think he wants to. Hope you are ok.

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